

Know the culture of Bali, cremation

Bali is a beautiful island in the world and also the rich cultural diversity, because in terms of the history of Bali is an escape from those who pushed the kkerajaan majapahit Islam in Java.

Cremation is a burial or cremation ceremony of Hindu people in Bali, Indonesia. Cremation ceremony is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life. Bodies should be put asleep, and the family left behind will always think so (asleep). No tears, because corpses are temporarily absent and will undergo reinkarnasa or find last pengistirahatan Moksha (free from the wheel of death and reincarnation).

Appropriate day for this event are always discussed with people who understand. On this day, the body is placed in a coffin corpses and death. Peti-off is placed in a sarcophagus that resembles the ox or the temple-shaped container made ​​of wood and paper. Form of an ox, or the temple brought to the cremation through a procession. The procession is not running on a straight road. This is to confuse evil spirits and keep him away from the corpse.

The highlight is the burning keluruhan Ngaben structure (Ox or temple made ​​of wood and paper), along with the corpses. The fire needed to liberate the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation.

Cremation is not always done with segaera. For members of high caste, it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days. But for members of lower castes, the bodies were buried first and then, usually in a group event to a village, cremated.

Ghost Repellent objects

In general, objects antidote and something bad ghost adalahbarangrelated scriptures and means of worshipbe it Muslims or nonMuslims and they believe in it. As for the objects that are commonlyused untyuk deter or repel ghosts of the disorder is yes;

AFor the Muslim holy book or scripture has left believed to ward offinterference from the powerful ghosts and this has been passed down from generation to generation danampuh for adherents,

2.Benda objects associated with worship such as crossesstatues of the Virgin Mary as well as many objects for religious and otherbeliefs

3The scriptures are contained in their religious scriptures believed to bring powerful magic and ghosts will not close because it willburnlike a vampire movie in a movie and all you can penjelasaanyaon in here

to mengawaali a trip to the place haunted and escaped from all disturbances both Muslims and non Muslims are trying to thinkclearly with all the confidence you have to create the wonderful things away from the effects of Ceramgood luck

Beautiful ghosts

His name is also a womanizer unblinking look at a beautiful womanand also indiscriminate, so how the body is smooth and beautiful face makes me not want to take my eyes off him.

According to a story about this tempay, he said bebrapa monthsago there was an accident that killed a beautiful woman and also a virgin. ah wrote to me they're just envious that I can see the trailer,do I think of all,

Such as youth in general I'm very stately home apples anddecorated many of the lights, let alone all of them look perfect whenthe woman came down the stairs and talk show on the balcony of the house. and the day was not felt until the late hours of the night,so I mengunap home, but it was weird that no one was home and I asked again tuany people go out of town. I did not give a damn,
up to the event and not have to sleep with me tell me until I finally fell asleep, but until the morning I woke up and was in his grave, and asI slept last night dikubutran and stately home last night was thiscemetery. ah ... run

The Friday Night Ceram

The night was late and the mind is not also want to rest, stillremembered the story in Friday night Kliwon where there is a deadraped and became a ghost, he said the death menuntu culprit.whether true or not but this feeling of unease.

Especially when past the graveyard had been crying and you feel there is someone for help, like the voice of a woman who was hurt.hi my hair-raising goose bumps as if a ghost would want to see it.
and right when I look back on my face right there in front of a verypretty face and smelling of rancid, ha ... ha .... terikaku hard as hardas it was dark ghost was the woman in front of my face. ass I ran to escape and will slow as limp and had wet my pants.

Before long I was unconscious until morning was found lying on the edge of fields and mistaken for being drunk, but this is reallyunexpected ghost of a woman cooking there and compete face, sowonder what he wants, knows akau timid feared it clear whyfainting.

Fear of the Dark

if one day I was told to go alone in the dark would never want to,how not as if the darkness would swallow me without mercy, and all things look even more scary voice howling coyotes and wolves thatmake me stand chilling.

For the size of an adult I was scared and I really do not want this butI do not know, everything becomes sinister when the night before,Kadan sometimes I go home itself was never dared?. hi spookypembawaanya.

once a day when the village had no electricity running because of afriend's house too late to become frightened and unable to sleep,especially coupled with the small little rain and the clock showedmidnight hour. perhaps with a little bit of singing to entertain? but in fact was even more scared because like someone was followingme from behind and do evil. until the next morning I could not close your eyes. let alone any of the neighbors had just recently died andwas buried this afternoon.

My advice if you have a fear of the dark and into trouma please joinhere and feel free to share with this blog, greetings from my fear

Meet the ghost for the first time

These events most probably do not want to repeat when darkness fell Thursday night and Friday makes me nerinding in a smallcottage beside the house and until I wrote this post are all still feelsscary

Feelings of fear are common but the main thing is the existence ofghosts do exist and I would never deny, I do not see how pocong a terrible, so no meat with red eyes and mouth rot because it has been eaten by age and buried in the soil for months.

How shocked I menengol the corner of a small cottage room andnot having anyone, really aha experience of a lifetime and it's scarytakka forgotten. as fast as I wanted to go and ran from the hut, but allin vain and I was stiff until I finally ran with all his strength and nolonger look back, really horrible experience and no longer

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